Cartoons by Artur

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Trump Poll
Trump Poll

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Cannon Fodder
Cannon Fodder
First Cartoon, April 2023

"My heart beats more for a raw, average vulgar art."
— Max Beckmann

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
— attributed to Edmund Burke

"When you stop a dictator, there are always risks. But there are greater risks in not stopping a dictator."
— Margaret Thatcher


Artur is an anti-fascist, pro-democracy cartoonist, writer, and history professor based in New England, U.S.A. All his works are committed to fighting for freedom and democracy and resisting all forms of tyranny worldwide.

Orphans - Picasso
Orphans - Picasso
A little homage to Picasso's Guernica
Orphans - Cemetery
Orphans - Cemetery
A less graphic version
Drawn two weeks before Prighozin's final assault


Artur's comic novel, Hitler's Idiot Son

All royalties from this book will be donated to Ukrainian humanitarian charities.


Compared to other nations historically and culturally, the U.S. is a child. But we have the oldest continuing Constitution in the world! Let us honor our founding fathers and mothers by holding that remarkable document firmly in our minds and close to our hearts.